Monday, July 7, 2008

Bobbing for Apples

These kinds of Apples, that is.

I'll be sitting, like a complete dumbass, outside the local AT&T store for one of these puppies Thursday night.

Yes, my dad has already pointed out all the negative things about this phone.

No, as you've probably guessed, I don't really give a shit.

The rumor is that 3G is headed to this area, and well, I want a phone that I can browse the internet with. Having a built in iPod won't hurt either.

This is the puppy to have for your one-stop mobile media needs. It's like the Wal-Mart of cellphones.

I am looking for adventurous souls to join me in my quest to get an iPhone 3G. You don't have to buy one, of course. Just sit with me outside some random AT&T store and pass the time until 8 AM, when the global official release of the iPhone 3G occurs.

Any takers?

Friday, July 4, 2008

The Day We Celebrate Our Independence Day

OK, serious business for a moment.

I hope you reflected today on those you liberties and freedoms you have because good men have died protecting you from folks that want to remove those liberties from you.

You live in a special place, folks.

Let's work to leave it better off than we found it.

Liberty and Justice for All.