Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Cone of Silence

Yeah, so the blog's been quiet.

Why? Well, to be frank, there's really nothing to write about.

Sure, I could go politico on you, but I don't think that would be very interesting.

Physics is almost over, thank God. I'm in a very good position in that class, so no worries.

I have rediscovered my affection for PC gaming in recent days. I just prefer it in every way to the console. Sadly, all my friends play games on the consoles, so I have to try to do both.

Its too expensive. I'm probably going to kick the console habit and just stay with my PC. 40 bucks for a good PC game as opposed to a 60 dollar game for a new Xbox game...to hell with that.

If you're looking for a good film to see, I highly recommend Get Smart. Not stellar, but worth your time.

I'd like to go somewhere fun this summer, but due to the shortage of a certain hydrocarbon compound, its extremely difficult to do so. Whenever your entire global economy is based around a singular fuel source and the supply of it starts running low, shit happens.

Where's my damn hydrogen car?

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